Wednesday, 29 October 2014


There was a time I went to a mid week service in believers love world in Kano and those people broke into a beautiful language, I thought they were weird (coming from a catholic background, my grandpa was the village cathecist in ughelli).I liked the sound of it but I thought it is only for Chris Oyakhilome's members. ( maybe na dialect for edo state) 

Fast forward nearly a decade, I gave my life to Christ and found it was a spiritual language. I had this friend Mariam who spoke in tongues like a militant, I would secretly envy her, then one day she held my hand, said a prayer, told me to just open my mouth and it will flow, (I didn't believe her), she started speaking but nothing came out of my mouth. I almost felt like a fraud, that had not really received Christ. Then the desire built up, I don't think I've ever desired anything like I desired to speak in other tongues after that experience.

My blackberry torch nearly crashed from my constant googling of "how to speak in tongues". I read about it tire. Infact one article even wrote a few words and said it should be repeated,I heard you will feel like you are talking gibberish, I heard it can be learned. Then I came across the article that said it is a gift and also a sign that you have been filled with the spirit, and you need to desire it. So I prayed about it and one day at a night vigil, it just came bursting out of my soul, the most beautiful sound ever to come through my lips, I didn't feel like it was gibberish, I felt JOY!!! It was on the 23rd of February 2012. After that, grace before my meal sef was said in tongues. Of course the tongues don mature now. 

I was posing that im doing 30 mins stretch, then prophet wole said he had done 10 hours!!! AH! No wonder he is a prophet. ( he celebrated 24yrs of speaking in tongues) 
I've found that when I speak in tongues for a while (30 minutes which I am trying to upgrade by the way) I get a few insight. I've been privileged to see visions, scriptures given to me, or a person / matter to intercede for. 

The thing no be here o. It edifies you (charges your spirit), keeps the devil out of your conversation with Papa, helps you pray the will of the Father. You want to? Desire it and receive it. After all, all good and perfect gifts come from God.

Prophet wole told me about a book by Kenneth Hagin : TONGUES : BEYOND THE UPPER ROOM. it has opened my eyes further. Now I want to write a song in tongues! *bbmstraightface*

Jesus is Gods gift to the world,the Holy Spirit is Gods gift to His children (believers).  Abeg rebosheke away.

Mark 16:17


I've been enjoying a bit of solitude since I got back into abuja. Happy to be home, but I miss my family very much.  

Anyways, I have had a lot of people send me messages on how they want to post a comment through their mobiles but the post just doesn't show on the blog. I'm going to show you how, with pictures. 

First of all, choose a profile, most commonly used are google accounts (which didn't show here), Name/URL  and anonymous. 

I chose to use Name/URL 

Then click on continue...

Then type your comment,  afterwards click on publish, voila your comment will be published.

Now we go know whether true true una wan comment abi na excuse of 'we no sabi' dey stop una. 
(We r shidren of God, we no dey lie abi?)

Much love people...

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Me and mike Aremu *dancing* so what I am famzing!

Pastor o and the other pastors at her celebration.

On the 30th day of March 2011, I began to cry uncontrollably about nothing in particular. Nothing tasted good, nothing felt right but I could not place my finger on the wahala. So I locked myself at home for like 4days crying for no reason. Then on the 2nd of April,I thought to call my friend kejie and told her, when she asked the reason I was crying, I burst into fresh tears and told her I don't know, then she reminded me how she had been inviting me for a women's fellowship, she told me to call the lady in charge, I had resisted badly before then. But this time, It felt like she put something in her mouth to speak to me o. That's how I dialed the number, as soon as I heard hello, I started a new set of wailing and then the most soothing voice I've ever heard started singing ' Oba n'to Seun ti enikan o le se, oruko re it iyin to'
And then she asked " can you come to my house?" And I quickly ran there, met the person with the voice and her smile made me relax further. We spoke, then she invited me for fellowship the following Tuesday 5th April 2011 and I surrendered my life to Jesus.

She has since been mentoring and teaching me, making sure I remain on the right path. She is mother, friend, teacher, disciplinarian, loving yet strict, has an extra ordinary generous spirit,practical, down to earth, fashionable.  She made me realise that Christianity is not wearing sack cloth and being covered in Ashes, amazing woman. She will cry with you when the yawa gas, she will dance with you when the testimony comes. The one that even if she's going through her personal issues, you won't know because her infectious smile is ever on her face, and she will take on your own issues.

An end time soldier, a true worshipper, humble soul, she is the GCWWP battalion. With her ahead shakings no dey. Excellent spirit. Doesn't joke with the work of the master. Never gives up on any one, never writes anyone off, everyone is "sweetheart" to her.

Happy birthday my Pastor Opuaya Agha, my mother, my pastor, my mentor, my tour guide on earth, my teacher, the wind beneath my wings.

I love you tooooooooo much ma.

Friday, 24 October 2014


Counting down to leaving Lagos, Mixed feelings. I'm happy to be going back to base but I'd miss my family very much. I grew up here,got married out of here too. I am in my element here, this is home for me.

Anyway I was delighted to take a break from being my mama's caregiver for the last two weeks, we went for a dinner/fundraising event the church held. Had a good time (food and laughter) my niece fejiro has an amazing sense of humor and her brother victor the good boy turned gangster driver.
My sister was in organizing committee so she was busy. There was this adorable kid on the table, and the MC/ Comedian tho???

All that didn't stop my gifted eyes from noticing different things. I have this gift of understanding body language between a couple, I can tell if a couple love each other or not or are very good friends even if they are fighting! There was this couple opposite our table, the woman could not hide her resentment for her husband, it was all over their body language then I caught the look, it sealed my curiosity, chai that guy could have being buried in seconds if looks could kill. 

I'm sure that lady loved that man at a point, and he somehow took advantage of her and resentment has built up over time. I know this because e no dey hard woman to love man and God knew that it is easy for woman to love, and difficult for man that's why He said man LOVE thy own wife, woman SUBMIT to thy own Oga. 

I'm not saying men should cheat, but even if a man is cheating on his wife, he should help himself cover his tracks by loving his wife. Some married men hide their marital status just to get other girls, listen it makes you look foolish, weak and untrustworthy. If a girl is going to date you she will whether you are married or not. A man like that cannot command any respect, not even with the girls he's lying to.

There's no woman who gets her fair dose of love from her man that will go through her husbands phone or search his stuff. She will be satisfied, and even if you tell her he's cheating, she will never believe.  Respect your wife, show her off to the world, be proud of her, make her feel like she's a queen even if you feel she looks like miss piggy after all na you marry her. She will feel good and in turn respect you. Women thrive on attention, care, pet names, affection, emotions, praise  etc.
Most women want their husbands to be the husband among husbands, they want to hail their husbands, like pastor O is her husbands greatest fan, if she hail pastor Ike here ehn... But most women don't know if their husband don toast neighbour, dem fit start to hail am, na yimu go follow.

Thank God for Jesus o, many women have decided to leave this man matter for God. Our favorite line is "will husband take you to heaven?" No go enter hell because of marriage o, carrying bitterness and anger as a badge of  honour.
Like I always say, grace is super abundant. Ask for it and recieve it like rain.

My brother inlaw shows off his mrs to the world! He no dey fall my hand for that side.

My niece and nephew 

My niece, my sister (my future) and yours truly!

Ephesians 5:25- end


Ok, now I think I am been misunderstood. I am NOT saying a man should cheat, must cheat or that all men cheat. I am saying that the ones who cheat should love their wives. Now the secret ingredient in this LOVING YOUR WIFE is that a man who genuinely LOVES his wife (as the bible says especially in Ephesians that says love your wife as you love your own body) will never cheat on his wife. So when they practice this love, they will gradually stop finding pleasure In other women. If you love a particular purple shoe, you would find yourself buying outfits that go with that shoe! 

Thursday, 23 October 2014


Since becoming a Christian I have lost a few friends especially at the beginning, transiting from that crazy lifestyle I was living. it wasn't an intentional thing, it just so happened. Tega went cold turkey!!!
I was loving the peace I found, I didn't want to lose it. 
Some friends complained, some still kept coming, a few of them who went through the same thing later now understand me, but more of them got really offended. They thought I was forming "innocent God bless". 
One of them even said to me " na me hate Jesus", she just didn't get me. 

Maybe I could have handled it better, maybe I could have pulled them along, but I honestly was afraid of sinking again, could not afford to sink to that decadent life I was living, i so badly want to make heaven,so I just withdrew and stuck to people that helped my faith to get stronger.

I particularly miss one friend of mine, she somehow hasn't managed to forgive me, it tells in our conversations these days. I tried to reach out, I've apologized, I've explained myself but well....
Holy Spirit over to you.

This is a public apology to every friend that felt I wasn't fair by withdrawing like that. It was about me and my new found love, not about you. I miss you very much, I am more grounded in my love for God now. I am not asking you to just take me back o ( but if you do I'd be happy so I can drag you into this my romance) but I'd really want you to at least forgive me.

In other news, my mama is home!!! The worst is over. Somebody praise this God for me.


Romans 12:18

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


This is my last night in this hospital, I am grateful to God my mama is gonna be discharged. My Father won *bbmdancingsmiley*.

I just realised how far God has brought us as a family, I am grateful. My mum was in hospital for a total of 16 days and her recovery is amazingly rapid. I hear of people who had stroke and stay in hospital for months, but God is faithful to us. He deserves my worship o hmm. 

How I even knew the woman is set to go home is how she started harassing me, at a point I nearly lost my patience then I remembered that I have to win this soul to Christ, I advised myself to just walk away because if I hala all the prayers all night and God answers my prayers but I get angry with her unnecessarily, she won't want my kind of Christianity. Naaaa, it is a deliberate matter.

Reminds me of a well known evangelist who was from a staunch Muslim home. It was a burden in his heart to win his family to Christ. His father was ill, He prayed and God did creative miracles but that didn't convert him even after his mum had converted. They harassed him, dissed him but he kept loving them, was patient with them, showed them kindness, love and never looked like the work was too much on him. That is what won his imam father to Christ. 
Happened to Benny Hinn as well. 

Even all who are abusing Muslims because of boko haram, that's not what Jesus would have done. He would have loved them to repentance. Christianity isn't about how many miracles you can do, it is the love that you received from the Father that you must share to others in order for them to know that God is love. 
Some people deliberately provoke you so that your "Christianity" can be rubbished. Show them that you spend time with Jesus and give them a "Jesus" reaction. I didn't say it was easy, but I know that if you raise your hands, He will help you fly.



Proverbs 11:30

Monday, 20 October 2014


This time two years ago I don sign the dotted lines, was on my way to dance my life into marriage. It has been two years of looking at his throat and thinking of how my hands can easily go round, two years of banter, two years of wondering if we made the right choice, two years of friendship, two years of fighting, two years of trying to adjust to been compulsorily accountable to someone, two years of sacrifice, two years of selflessness. If I survived these two years, I can survive anything. All the talk, all the temptation but we are here. God has kept us. 

I pledge today to love you according Ephesians 5: 22 and 1st Corinthians 13. ( try love me the same way o)

Two years down, fifty years to go.
Happy anniversary to us ANGEL - PIP. Love u scatter. 

Thank you all for celebrating us, may God cause men to celebrate you.

My pastor O used our photo as DP too *dancing kokoma*

Sunday, 19 October 2014


So I've been battling with my conscience in the last few days about deleting a friend off fb, he became a God basher. I dunno where he got it wrong, I hear he was even born again at a point. I read through his page, then went through his wife's page then I realized what happened. Well.. At the point he is, I can only pray about his matter. My God who has the hearts of kings in His hands knows him better than I do, loves him more than I can ever love him.

How can you look around your life and explain it scientifically?
Because you can't figure God out? You are not meant to, He said it, 'my ways are not your ways'. If not how can 1 chase 1000 and 2 chase 10 000?  Is that your way? Is your way not 1chase 1, and 2 chase 1?  


You can't worship Him and stay the same.
What's your name for my papa? 

Psalm 14:1

Saturday, 18 October 2014


I went for a service In a church a friend invited me to and I was richly blessed, and the pastor who exhorted made plenty sense. I need to share all I heard, so some more people can be blessed.
Anything you master, you have control over. Many of us have different things that hold us back, as 'righteous' as we wanna be.
Now anything that can keep you from making heaven, or sway you away from your walk with God is your monster.

My own personal monster is my appetite especially meat, (sigh) The Holy Spirit may instruct me to do a night fast for the next week, that week mr devil will make sure there's a bridal shower, that I'm not broke, there's a dinner I can't say no to and then I'd be telling myself that I'd look like a psycho saying I'm fasting at night, that's how I'd beg the Holy Spirit make e forgive me before people tink say I don craze. But then that is what happened to Esau and Jacob, If he had suppressed his appetite, his birthright will have been intact, or Samson with Delilah and his eye for bebes. When those monsters come, obviously a new level has come too. 

Then I read when uncle apostle Paul said he buffets his flesh, ah ah, so I decided to do take away instead when I have this temptations.

The devil won't tempt me with fish, he knows I'd catch him red handed, so he will bring coke and suya to me and then like aunty eve, I fit fall. 
Yours can be sleep when He wants you to pray, lust, sweating cold COKE, pride, rebellion, anger, greed, covetousness etc
Don't come and form 'innocent god bless hia' we all have something. So master it, when devil comes from that angle, catch the guy, pass the test and move on to the next level. There is indeed power in the name of Jesus to break every chain..


In other news, I was watching TBN and Benny Hinn prayed about a Cathy who has a heart issue, is healed, and my mama's name is Cathy *dancing kokoma*. What are the chances? Hehehehehe my mama is healed. Halleluyah someborry! 

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Now I finally get when people say "if I knew then what I know now"....It hit me last night. The devil like ten ten. And I being dey play am well for secondary school o.

I wondered what the urgency was to come to Lagos was, I reasoned with my carnal brain that there's family in Lagos, but the God who knows the end from the beginning made my sister insist I come immediately. I am on assignment, and I am not afraid. I am built for this, God has equipped me and the only attitude I have now is "lets go there".

I learnt a lot from being in the company of people who are heaven conscious, like understanding the times and seasons, when to worship, when to do warfare, when to do high praise, when to do praise fare and when to simply meditate and soak in the spirit. I am stil learning. But then I have discovered whose I am. I am the daughter of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, i am under His divine cover. It is not about who I am, or what I have done, but it is who my Father is and what He did on the cross for me, He no dey go leave or transfer, satan comot for road o.

Don't ever think you don't need church, fellowship etc, it is where you are taught how to build spiritual capacity for the day of adversity.


Proverbs 24:10

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


There's excitement in my bones when I see young people on fire for God. You sit with a young man or woman and the deep things that come out of their mouth ehn, you go fear na. 

I'd soon start a series for fine girls with anointing, and dem plenty. As in beautiful, educated, intelligent, well dressed, hard working, exposed young women with good jobs / businesses who can be using all these to populate hell, but have turned the tables around and are spitting fire against the gates of hell. And I heard today that married men live 10 years longer than single men, now imagine if the man is married to a fine girl with anointing, na 20 years na. So young men,keep checking my blog out for the number of your days to be fulfilled.

Samu, go and do thanksgiving in church o, God don dash you 20 years + the 95 wey u suppose do, that's 115 years on earth beside me hehehehehe, see lotto. #flipshair

So I was talking with my friend about stuff and I called her chief evangelist and she said " I look at it as a job and if it is my job, then I am the chief marketing officer, I will sell God the way I'd sell my business. So when I meet someone I'd sell them His products, which is salvation, prosperity, health etc. I work for Him and expect His full benefits, salary, official car etc..., which means He's meeting my needs, why won't i do what He hired me for?"

Chai, another level babay. Many of us don't know we are doing ourselves the favour when we preach the word. It is the same way we treat our secular jobs we treat Jehovah's. Like pastor O says, we do Gods work anyha, we treat Gods work like a contract staff yet expect the benefits of MD. God dey look you o, He dey ur parlour.

It isn't easy, but grace is sufficient. He's the only one who will give you an exam and still show you expo!

So all we talkatives, convert that energy into depopulating hell, He gave you the gift of talking to talk about Him and His goodness. Those FLP people would run wiggleswortth out of evangelism wall of fame if they just market Jesus. All the benefits that come with FLP, Jesus gives o, without 150k. FOC. just open your mouth and He will fill it. 


Matthew 6:33

In other news, these nurses need laying of hands! 


Fashola dey try. I am in Lagos and truly people are thing hard to keep to it. Of course there are a few psychos who must show themselves, but generally it is almost sane.

I'm in the hospital with my mum, I was summoned by the council of elders to come take care of her, there was an urgency to it. 
The devil says she has high blood pressure, high blood sugar, malaria, she can barely see the tv, can't hear me properly.

but my Jehovah says by His stripes my mother is healed, 
that she will fulfil the number of her days, 
that healing is her bread and water,  
the purpose of Christ was made manifest, 
He destroyed the works of the devil over my mother, 
His mercies endure forever,
That with Long life will He satisfy her
That He has sent His word and healed her diseases.
That He will restore health to her
That She will have life more abundantly
He said affliction shall rise again ( after her brother died)

Whose report shall I believe? The one who gave me peace? Or the one who gives damnation?

Isaiah 53: 4-5


My friend Esther Nnadi preached yesterday in wwp. I've never felt the true meaning of broken vessels until yesterday. She spoke deep matters, as in, the devil didn't want that vessel to fulfil destiny so he tried to use it for his own good. Thank God for someone like pastor O, she didn't give up on her, she flogs with the right and draws close with the left. 

Chai, she got me crying throughout the service, I almost forgot I had a flight to catch. She said a lot of things but a few things stood out for me.

"God will take anything to get your attention if He has vested interest in you"
"Brokenness is Gods way of dealing with our independence from Him."
"If u r disconnected form God, you are exposed to shame."
"Brokenness is for spiritual maturity and maximum ministry."
"A title without a mantle is equal to battle." Now this last line was on my mind almost throughout the flight,  you can have a call over your life but if you are not connected to the source of the calling you won't soar. Na call o, not flash say because u sabi talk, u go feel say u be pastor, your anthem go be " welcome to jam rock "

The devil won't come in his full regalia with horns, long tail and fork like fotos depict but he uses his demons, our flesh, our excesses to work against us, it may appear legal sef but my chic, those stuff drag you doooooooooown. God indeed uses humble people, people that stay with him, people who are lambs/ sheep with him and lions to the enemy. 

Back to my mama.

Monday, 13 October 2014


This last weekend was full of fire... Went for a retreat in gwagwalada. Went to be Alone with God. Awesome experience, you should try it.

I have heard a few times that your life, your utterances, your actions glorify either God or devil. I didn't get the depth of that until this evening. I have this friend that is now a mobile bible, woman on fire, I'm not shocked at how her life is on fire for God because it is in her nature to do everything to the extreme.

Somehow last week I heard in my spirit to check on her because I hadn't seen her in a while and when I did she snapped at me, I was taken aback because I was in the middle of my own issues when she came to mind. So I let her be, knowing that when she's ready she will talk about it. Make I no lie, the devil wanted me to vex, but I'm glad I was dealing with a few stuff myself to dwell in that.

Saw her today and she said to me that she didn't want to talk about it till it has become a testimony. I almost felt it was conceit on her part, then she said, "if I talk about it before God has sorted it out, I am glorifying the devil, instead I want to glorify God by giving it as a testimony". She knows he's there o, but he's irrelevant in her life because her Father is in control.
That's another level o. 

It tallies with what I heard the woman of God say, why are you praying? Because you are afraid that the devil will kill, destroy and ravage you, or because you want to communicate with your father Jehovah? Many of us pray the most when something bad happens, but we should actually have a relationship with the Father?  Does He know your voice? Can He safely say that's Tega calling to gist with me? Or will He say that's Tega barking orders at me to give her a new car? ( Daddy I need one sha)

So my dear friend, you taught me a valuable lesson today. I will make a conscious effort to glorify God with my utterance. Because there's a way you will say something to someone, it may sound like you are trying to raise prayer point, but na complain you dey complain, and that is glorifying mr devil. 

Now Imagine if your complain makes the devil bigger,every time we don't address issues with the scriptures, the devil grows from a baby snake to a giant boa and my Almighty Father, Omnipotent, Alewi lese, Alese Lewi, Oba nla, Oba Atobiju, Ovie R'ovie will be shrinking in size. Chai.
God forbids.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, 10 October 2014


How can you just go like that? 
My times in Kano won't be complete without your name Franki..I remember our rijinya Zaki days, we worried jan block with our crazy behaviour. 
Amazing girl, generous, larger than life, even in the deepest issues, you found humor in it, no matter how crazy you appeared, everyone could not help but love you . 

Even after we hadnt spoken in a while, you still made my wedding. That's the kind of person she was, loyal to an annoying fault.

I noticed how you started to post scriptures on your fb wall. I'm glad you started to reconnect to the Master Jesus.
I don't even know how to start the story, I'm hurting..Chai, you showed me many bad things in life o, it was our youthful days but I'm glad I did those things, it has made me appreciate my salvation, but I'd miss you my Franki  Doo like I fondly called you, my former partner in crime, my former dance partner, my former club partner, my friend and my sister. 

Can't forget you in a hurry my darling.
Rest in peace Frances Oneya. 


A young lady walked up to me a few days and started to tell me about how her husband had travelled out on official work for a year, came back and won't be husband to her anymore. She spoke about all she had sacrificed, physically, emotionally and all the "ally". And how angry she is...
From her demeanor you could see she was trying so hard to not slap me sef, maybe I resemble the man.

Anyway, the Holy Spirit got me into telling her to be a spiritual 'mumu' if she wanted that man back and back it up with crazy prayers. Then she remembered a revelation God had given her. Her husband and children raptured but she didn't because of the bitterness and unforgiveness. Her anger was justified by all standard, but not to Jesus. Forgiveness has 54 hits in my bible, it must be important for it to be repeated that many times.

Ah, ah. So the man repented? No be love you say make you dey vex say he no love you back? Yet you the Christian, the embodiment of love didn't realise that you have missed it? 
People be wise o, unforgiveness is cancerous and when you forgive, it is for you. Leave the fact that they may laugh at you that you are foolish, na you wise pass.  No human being is worth it for Me o, I'd  forgive you in advance sef. Any attempt rapture come and my wings dey malfunction, I go climb person head, try jump start the wings sef. Make I dey here with the likes of BH and ISIS? Lai Lai. 
It isn't easy but GRACE is sufficient. 

I had a boyfriend I looooved die, he was not very fair to me. Treated me so poorly, lied to me that his mama didn't want anyone who wasn't their tribe, cheated on me at every opportunity, brought my self esteem to ground level, eventually dumped me in a naaaaasty way. I remember how angry I had become, It appeared like I loved how bad he treated me, (suffer head life) I was losing my playful, happy nature because of a man? I had to catch my short self o, ran to church, dropped his name at the altar on the 1st of dec 2010 and somehow the bitterness began to flow out of me and I met my bobo on the 19th of dec 2010. (See? Forgiveness can get u a husband, hehehehehe)

So he has been cheating, so you have found out, you have vexed, forgive na, u say no, after calling fire and brimstone on the nigga, he makes peace with His maker, nne, he go make heaven o, no tink am.
If the devil truly repents, I'm sure God will forgive him. My Father is merciful like that.

Like my Pastor O says, you can mistakenly go to hell, but you can't mistakenly go to heaven. It is a DELIBERATE lifestyle..

Ask the Lord for Grace which is richly available. 

Feel free to drop ya offering.

Ephesians 4:32

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


 A very good friend of mine got married 6 years ago, I could not make the wedding because I was really broke at the time. Somehow we lost touch and reconnected not too long ago.
She has 3 kids from the union.

So recently we got into a conversation and I asked after her husband and as casually as saying "I am fine" she said "I am divorced". I thought I didn't hear well, so I continued the conversation o, na Im I say, when my husband is back in town, all four of us should hang out, chic say, "I've left the old fool". Ah, ah, ah, how? I have a gift, I can see the falsehood in any couple. She appeared so happy in the photos I saw, but then again, that time na d diamond ring wey d guy give her, d motor wey he buy give her, d house wey he give her, trips abroad wey dem go tire dey shack my babe. She never really spoke about how she loved him, how he made her feel, it was what he gave to her. She made sure we all knew the guy was financially loaded. 

The guy was giving her money in 7 figures that 7 years ago, and still paying her bills o, so that money was chop money. She bought a car for a mutual friend for her birthday that time o and her account was still heavy. 
I asked what happened, she said he got set up by someone and then EFCC arrested her husband, froze his accounts, seized his stuff and so they became cashless. She refused to bail him out because she didn't want to be cashless as his situation appeared hopeless. She said people told her to pray for his release, she didn't either, instead she ran with the few things that were in her name sent him divorce papers in prison and started a new life.

Fast forward a few years, his ex girlfriend (who he was meant to marry) heard, bailed him out, paid a good lawyer, and somehow the setup was discovered and his stuff were released. He is back on his feet, married that ex girlfriend and that's why my friend said he's an old fool...she says that the ex girlfriend is plain, that she's the miss world material, and how could he be cheating on her with that girl, how she's the one that carried the disgrace bla de bla. The man went back to who stood by him in his trying times, the one who loved him in his broke and broken days.

I told her I don't blame him, that she didn't really love him,she got upset, but later admitted it, now she's broke, with three children to care for, and can't get him to marry her again, can't get any man to marry her. She don humble. 

Liken this to when God has blessed you with all the things of life, and then church services become too long, you don't reverence Him anymore, you bail out on Him, some people start to even say Christianity is logic. 
In good times and bad times, love God. He's good and His mercies endure for ever.

Imagine if Abraham forgot about God after Isaac was born? Would He have been called a friend of God? 
Go after His heart (love Him) and then His hand will be open to you, the reverse will humble you in ways you won't like.
Ask the prodigal son.

Are you after Gods hand or His heart?

Luke 15:11-32


I read somewhere that 'THE SON OF GOD BECAME A MAN SO THAT MEN CAN BECOME SONS OF GOD'. We can't even begin to understand the depth of that kind of sacrifice.

All na to save us o, our salvation is for us. Living right / holy is for our own good. A friend /brother of mine went to silver bird to win souls and when he approached a few young girls, one turned her back immediately saying " I don't do this God thing mehn". All of us that he was gisting exclaimed in disbelief but at one time or the other we said the same, in other words or in actions. 

If only she knew what a privilege it is to be a son of God, what an honour. 

As I dey talk sef, there are tongue talking people who do not know the privilege, who haven't tapped into it. The bible says " as many are led by the spirit, these are the sons of God". 
Are you still retaliating? Romans 12:19
Are you unforgiving that ya ex boyfriend but you don marry o? Ephesians 4:32
Are you still gossiping? Colossians 3:8, Romans 1:28-30
Are you still fornicating because you want dat broda in church to marry you? 1 Corinthians 6:18 
Are you still twisting figures in ya office? Leviticus 19:11
Many others...

If we are still involved In all these, we are still saying " I don't do this God thing"
So now, if you are involved in any of these, are you led by the spirit? are you a son of God?
Step into your sonship and recieve full benefits from your Father.

Make I go check o.

Galatians 4:1


We all want the beautiful things of life, cars, clothes, jewelry,houses and of course God wants us to be happy and makes them available to us. He said in His word 'He delights in the prosperity of His servant'.
Then we make them His enemies by over worshipping them.

A few days ago as the day came to an end, i started to worship my Maker for keeping my ways all day and the devil just needed to make me stop that session and reminded me how I had my friends car parked in my compound, how I should go and check if the gate is locked lest something happens to the car. And then I lost my trail of worship. It made me realise again and again how the devil just makes a conscious  effort to keep us from fellowshipping with our Father. Then he will use it to accuse us later.

Then I remember how it is compared it to love making, when your husband is enjoying himself, then your baby winces at a corner, many mothers will jump up, leave the man stranded and go and attend to a baby that will not die from the crying. When the baby wasn't there, you will just enjoy being with this man, now d pikin don take Im place, He won't find it funny of course, e fit start to beef d pikin sef. 

Now that's what the devil does with us. Reminds us that we haven't locked the doors, we haven't 
charged our iPhones, we haven't put the juice in the fridge, we haven't ordered the pizza.. All unnecessary rubbish that if God didn't make available, we won't have. Then we now make those same things He blessed us with His competition? If He takes them away, He sure will get our attention, then the really ignorant ones will call Him wicked and turn to the other side.

When we were pretty broke, we could roll all over the church auditorium, but now the lace we are wearing costs 250k, we can't be caught even kneeling in His presence, before we would raise our holy hands for hours in worship, now the gold we have on is way too heavy, we just kient. God dey look you o, He dey ur parlour.

We were created to worship God, in our lifestyle worship him, with that new car, worship Him, in that sparkling white lace, if He asks you to roll, Abeg roll for hours. Don't make Holy Spirit come and get you Himself, that anointing no get respect o,e fit catch you inside wuse market and the rest will be story.

Worship Him In spirit and in truth! 

Matthew 6:24


Monday, 6 October 2014


I honestly am very humbled at the way I am being celebrated. 

Got more gifts today. God bless My protocol team, God bless my pastors, God bless pastor Neneh,  God bless Gina Agbukor, God bless Beatrice, God bless Faith. May men celebrate ceaselessly.

No one is falling my hand, they are not spoiling my fine girl. Love you'll deeply.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


So a few days ago, I got a dm on twitter inviting me for Solomon Lange's new album release, I wan happy die, thinking the guy remembered me from when he came to wwp for our anniversary. So as I didn't make church, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the launch, which means I can still worship Him today.

So yours truly in her full 2 ft 2 frame, wore a new dress from my darling sister mary erekiosema, earrings from pastor ngozi, purse from pastor ngozi, bracelets from Sis Ucheoma, sandal from Dami and drove there. 

When I got in, na so I carry myself go greet Solomon Lange o, feeling special that he invited me, he grinned from ear to ear. I waka go. Then he started talking, and asked how many people got the invite, many people raise hand, I jus realise say, na bulk invite o. After all my famzing.. Chai. Soon and very soon, people will be famzing on me too o. AMEN!!!

I had a goooooood time, that man is a worshiper.i remember my pastor saying his voice sounds like he has other voices backing him up. I cried so much, so tey national anthem made me cry. Had to ask if it was the spirit moving abi na another tin.  Faithful God.

I am grateful for the kind words on Facebook. It is amazing how I am being celebrated, could it be my biuriful face or the fragrance of Jesus on me?

pastor Neneh God bless u. Your words gave me strength to forge ahead ma. God bless y'all. Thank u Mariam, Sheila ended the day on bestest note. Hehehehehe . God bless u my sister, may men celebrate you 100 times more than u celebrate me. 
I spent time with God after all. I'm not ashamed to tell my story, I'm not ashamed to proclaim my love for you. 
Love you Papa.

Thank you for this new year.

Psalm 16:11


The conference was FABULOUS, souls were won!  Beautiful. Leaders had their retreat. we do the 12 hr prayer again, all night, we observed the four watches of the night. With all the activity, all our people from the different centers coming in. God is big o.

I want to thank this God for a lot of things, I am a year older today and He has indeed being too faithful to me. He owes me nothing, but I owe him a loooooooot of things. He saved my soul from destruction at the perfect time, He gave me an amazing family, I love my mother, brothers and sisters with a deepness I can't explain, He gave me a good man as a husband, He gave me the best inlaws anyone can ask for.
The bestest nieces and nephews in the world (my gummy bears)

I thank God for the platforms (WWP and UNIK kingdom Outreach) to serve Him,He Then He looked at me and placed the most anointed humans on earth as my spiritual parents to make sure I am fed constantly, then put the finest people with anointing as sisters, I have the most hardworking protocol team in WWP. God honour y'all.

I feel like I've been given an award, so I am doing vote of thanks. 

I'm grateful for the gift of life. A short few months ago, I nearly thought of suicide, it wasnt my proudest moment, I let the devil in for a few minutes and He almost took over 3decades. A short few years ago, my birthday will come and I may not even take a bath all day, but there's an excitement since the day Jesus gave me my life back. It is all about you Jesus. 

I celebrate you Jesus, because I can count the number of times I've let you down, how many times I could have died, doing drugs, presciption drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, I remember a Dana air crash I was on that nearly crashed, no one in my family knew I was aboard that flight, It was going down but angels took it back up (imagine dying at that time, I for get mansion for hell) I've never been in a bad motor accident, never seen armed robbery, I've had a life of ease, I was the one driving on a fast lane to destruction yet wondering when God will bless me.
 God has used men to favour me, in ways I can't imagine. There are things I've done that people perish without repentance. He has given me many chances.  I've blown many chances but He keeps giving me selflessly.

He clothed me with a garment of favour. He turned my shame to celebration. Places where my life was glorifying the devil, He indeed turned it around for His own Glory. He makes people love me, I don't take that for granted. He has been way too good to me. I experience the love of God everyday.  When people no one expects anything good from are excited just to sing me happy birthday, people that appear angry with the world, are excited that today is my birthday. That means God loves me. I am indeed grateful.

Since I could not go to church today to dance like David danced unto my God, i still dey do wwp protocol work,
I declare today that I will serve The Lord with my body, soul, mind, energy, mouth and every gift He gave to me. 

Seeing my face on my contact list on BBM made me cry. I love you all. God bless you, may you experience the love of God. 

My gifts from pastor Ngozi and Sister Ucheoma. God bless you both plenty.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


We are one month old today o *dancing kokoma*. I remember the first time I heard of blogging, I actually did start one, but it had no post. Because there was nothing to write. It was meant to be the life of a single girl living in abuja, and somehow there was nothing to write so It became an abandoned project until the first day of September when the Holy Spirit knocked on my brain and shocked this idea into it. It just wasn't time I guess. There's indeed a time for everything.

I am a very social person, a popular jingo like tessy says, Unless I don't want to be friends with you, I know how to be friends with the whole of Africa and I was using it in my own carnal way not knowing that I am meant to be an evangelist, now I see God in everything, I see His mighty works in every situation, I see His face in every human being so it is easier to relate my day to day activities to His wonders and works, makes it more obvious that our existence is all about Him.

Being a Christian is not boring, it is possible to be young and holy in the midst of decadence, you can be social and Christian, you can be beautiful and tongue talking, you can be successful and spirit filled, you can be a fine girl with anointing meeeeehn. I am a Gucci girl with a tongue that spits fire by the mercies of God.  I don't miss my clubbing days, I could dance all night at Aristotle in ceddi plaza, now I can pray all nite. I used to complain of any service that's more than 1hr, now I can spend 12 hours in His presence. ( I'm practicing how heaven will be)

Really dunno what He wants to do with me writing about Him, who needs me to reach out to, but I am grateful He has brought me this far. One foot in front of the other, I'm work in progress.

I am an ordinary fine girl with the anointing of an extra ordinary God.

Thank u my sister Swat Kasham for this photoshoot. You are the reason I have confidence to take photos now. Kisses sis.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


I know that nothing can be added to the bible anymore but then it will be nice to hear 'then I Tega arose' just like Deborah in the bible. 

Woman come lets pray Gods will into our lives and Nigeria.  As a Christian woman, that's my gift to the nation, I owe it to her. 

If you think it isn't your responsibility to pray for Nigeria, don't complain when things go wrong, when the wrong people are put in power. 
Pray for Her, vote for the right person when the time comes and start to make positive changes on your own level. It starts with you and I. 

Be the change you want to see, no more bribery, no more beating traffic, no more driving against traffic, no more beating queues, no more wrong stuff, it may appear hard but if we put our mind to it, we can do it. We all admire countries that are neat and orderly and act accordingly when we visit, that means it is in us already. It took effort, lets put that effort to make ours better.

If you think because you have multiple entry visas or are a dual citizen, you don't need to pray for nigeria, by all means be going now, make we see road Abeg. Make we know say that 180 million people wey census give us go reduce drastically which means more food, less traffic, house go cheap pass sef.


When Women Pray (WWP) presents her 2nd National Prayer Conference
Date: Saturday Oct. 4, 2014
Time: 8.30am
Venue: International Conference Centre, Herbert Macaulay Way 
Opposite Radio House, Garki, Abuja.
Host: Pastor Opuaya Agha (President /founder WWP Int’l)
Don't miss out on this life transforming event, Woman you must arise for the sake of your family and your Nation!
For more info: facebook: when women pray nigeria
Call: 08037880968

Jeremiah 29:7