I came across this beautiful story
Missionary to China many years ago contracted small pox and was quarantined to her room completely covered in ugly marks from head to toe. Back then the doctors could do nothing and her fate was death
During fervent prayer, God spoke to her and told her to praise Him for His faithfulness to keep His own Word. He showed her a vision of 2 baskets, one containing her test and trial (smallpox), which was full.....the other containing her praise, which was only half full. God told her that the praise basket needed to outweigh her trail and when it was full, she would receive her healing.
She praised day and night as others feared for her life and her sanity. She sang from her heart for all God had ever done for her, for His greatness, His faithfulness, and for her healing. After several days the Lord showed her that the praise basket was full. She walked out of that room completely healed with skin as sooth and clear as a child’s.
How do your baskets look every morning?
Are we so focused on the prayer of need that we forget the praise?
We will never know everything God has done for us, or is currently working on our behalf
behind the scenes. If we knew all, we’d be praising Him night and day without ceasing.
If we truly make an effort to walk in praise and gratitude, we will see our attitude change, so will our friends and family.
Praise brings Encouragement to our spirit Strength to our life (Neh 8:10)
Change to our homes Emotional balance & Joy
Physical healing
Positive attitude
Hope to the hopeless Increased faith and belief Victory
Encouragement to others:
Get your praise on, give God twale.
Psalm 42:5