This last Tuesday a very dear aunty came to write that she's thanking God because she's still standing in Christ.
At first it didn't sink because I was writing many others but later the Holy Spirit breezed it past me again and it dawned on me how important it is to thank Him for that. Many people have fallen by the way side, they could not be torn away from the 'pleasures' of sin. Forgetting that the wages of sin is death.
The devil is very purposeful and anything to water down the blood of Jesus gives him pleasure, standing in Christ is a deliberate way of living, salvation is worked out, it isnt slapped on you.
My interview with 700 club today reminded me how far God has brought me from my highway to hell, how much He loves me. I fall, I fail but He loves me. That fact I can take to the bank.
If I had a million tongues and and lived a thousand years, it will never ever be enough to give you all the praise.
So I am thankful for today, I'm grateful for today, and I deliberately give You all the worship due to You.
You are the reason I live,You are the very One for me and no one knows what You mean to me Jesus. I boldly declare that I love You, thank You that I am still standing in You, despite everything the enemy brought my way, even In the church, You held me together, You didn't let me go, you reminded me constantly that You are who matters not what is going around me.
4 years 4 days ago I made the best decision of my life, today I rededicate my life to You withholding nothing. I love You breathlessly, too much for words.
Thank you Laura, Becky, Uju, and the rest of the CBN crew, God bless you all for the amazing job, may you not miss your reward here and in heaven.