Sunday, 29 November 2015


Not too long ago I shared a blogpost as usual and someone sent me a message more or less rebuking me that my BIO doesn't add up and should be reviewed. I had just lost my mother so I didn't have time.
I can't remember her exact words right now but she meant that I can't be a make up artist who is a shoe lover and be a God lover.

I can do without shoes, being a beauty consultant is one of the channels God uses to put food on my table. God blessed me with that talent and I will not apologize for it.
I personally don't think it is fair to judge a human being based on your personal beliefs. Some people have said it is in the bible, I also read about queen Esther being beautified before she appeared before the king. Someone said the reason she hates make up is because Jezebel put on make up to seduce Jehu. I am not arguing with them o but I know people who wear no make up or love shoes or jewelry who are wicked and nasty. I don't judge them, so please don't judge my spiritual life because I am a make up artist or like to dress well, if the fact that I am a make up person or love shoes makes another to sin against God by all means I will desist.

If God tells me to give all that up because it is taking His place in my life, I will with speed without a second thought.
My identity isn't make up artist, bead maker or shoe lover, my identity is in Christ. 

I still remain a fine girl with anointing sir! 

1samuel 16:7b, Matthew 23:28, proverbs 31:30.

In other news, someone needs to tell PHCN that what makes a good Sunday is uninterrupted light and  white rice, stew and a bottle of coke that was abandoned in the fridge for days...

Friday, 27 November 2015

LESSON 101..

My Oni Tega has been laid to rest. Painful but inevitable. The funeral was fantastic. God was glorified. I didn't cry too much because my ears were ringing from the rebuke I got just after she died. 

I really like that The Holy Spirit speaks to me in different situations, He never abandon me be dat.
I rushed back to abuja to make sure I was part of the last workers meeting in WWP and it was beautiful, some workers were appreciated with gifts. Being HOD of my department I was meant to nominate but as I went for Oni Tega's funeral, my partner did it. There's someone I really wanted to put her name for an award but somehow it didn't happen and she was upset, that she deserved to get an award.
I noticed that, and we arranged a few personal stuff for a few people we also wanted to appreciate. We gave 3 people and they were so thankful and then the person who even made me make the decision refused the gift in a very rude manner. I lost my cool and went to report her to the pastorate. It escalated and she was reprimanded. A few minutes later I started feeling bad that I could have handled the situation better.

As I walked out of church in the evening still trying to justify my actions, the Holy Spirit said to me calm down and behave myself that there's nothing the lady did that we don't do to God on a daily basis. We think we deserve the houses, children, job etc and when we don't get them, we get upset with Him. He doesn't owe us anything, all He wants us to do is do our part of the bargain and He will award us based on His timing.

All na pride o, her getting upset that she deserved an award, me getting upset that she rejected the gift. Lord help me o. 

Ecclesiastes 10:4b, James 1:19