Friday, 11 November 2016


God said let us create man in our image and likeness and gave him dominion over every thing yet an animal that Adam had dominion over was able to fool him just because he didn't know who he was.

The same devil came to tempt Jesus and because Jesus knew who He was, flicked him off like a fly.imagine that Jesus gave in... Thank God o.

The difference is in the KNOWING. you gan be principality, ask king David, he knew whose he was.
When the devil whispers that you can't have children,Tell him right back that it is written that none shall be barren in the land.

When he says you will die poor because no one in your whole village has more than 2bedroom bungalow, remind him that the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and this same Lord is your Shepherd and has promised you will not want.

When he tells you that you have nothing to show for your years of serving God, remind him that the bible says he that endures till the end shall be saved.

God has given us the answer to every obstacle standing in your way.
Receive Boldness in the face of adversity in Jesus name!!!

Proverbs 24:10

2017 IN VIEW..

I remember when I used to have a long list of goals at the beginning of every year, make New Years resolutions I won't remember by the 5th of January.
Recently I saw a diary of mine that I had written my goal for 2011,2012 and 2013. The list was exactly the same, which meant I had not accomplished any. In 3 YEARS!!! 
What a shame. I realized the problem was that I didn't make any move towards achieving my goals. 

2016 I had quite a few and I achieved 2 out of ...... I'm celebrating the victory of the two because achieving them opened my eyes to why I've never accomplished any before now. I expected them to just happen because I desired them.

 For 2017 I have only 3 goals. 
I intend to pray about them from tonight, I intend to research on how to achieve them and I intend to be extremely deliberate about the process to my achievements.

Begin to pray and fast about 2017. There's no point wearing your boots on the battle field, prepare before you enter the battlefield. The path to all round success is direction from the Lord. 

Jeremiah 42:3

Sunday, 6 November 2016


I've never really spoken about my experiences in the Holy Land. Words can't caption it at all.
We took a picture in front of a cafe that has existed for decades. It is a family owned business, one person sowed the seed and left an inheritance for generations. Gil just mentioned it casually but it hasn't left me since.
I've done a few businesses and failed woefully at them so I can imagine the tears and sweat involved in keeping this business alive let alone for so long. 

A few years ago I heard in a service that you should pray about your source of income because He teaches us to create wealth, in the vision of the day or dream of the night He will drop the idea. He did it with Jacob when Laban was trying to cheat him.

I am learning not to do anything without asking THE STORY CHANGER. 

That widow in the bible had a little oil in her house that she thought had no value,Elisha told her to go and borrow jars, (get capacity, train yourself, broaden your horizon) she had borrowed what she could and after pouring into all the jars she could find ,there was no more (reached her limit). 
He said to her, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debt and you and YOUR SONS  can live on the rest (inheritance). From debt to leaving an inheritance!!! 

No matter how many versions of tongues you can switch on and off ,it doesn't translate to wealth if you do not cry out. (After all her husband was a son of a prophet) 
Ask God for your pot of oil (source of income) that won't dry up and live an inheritance for your children and they will thank you for it. 

As Christians we know that our economy isn't of this world and our lives should reflect it. If Isaac sowed in famine and reaped 100 fold In the same year, has that God who favored Isaac gone on leave?

2 kings 4 :1-7
Deuteronomy 8:18