Tuesday, 30 September 2014


I've known that passage for a while now, Infact alabosi people use it well to suit themselves. But a few days ago I read it again and it held new meaning.

The MSG version just describes it well. It is hard to follow stuff in the bible but it is necessary since it is the manual for earthly existence and there's no situation that man needs answer for that isn't represented in the bible. No shakes babay. (FAQ dey bible sef)

Read it again. The part that did my head in was " love never gives up" and "puts up with anything". Ah!!! These verses have changed my perspective. 

When most of us are getting married, and we get some opposition from either family or friends, we first shout "I love him or her" but then when small storm comes, we fly off the handle and shout about how you can't take this no more. If you ever loved this person you won't give up on them. They are your assignment on earth that's why God made the union possible. Pastor O say na LONG SUFFERING but if you do it on your knees, it will be well worth it in the end. 

In the ESV version, a part says 'love believes all things', so even when your bobo comes home late, your instincts scream he's been up to no good, but he says it was traffic, if you love him, nne believe him then trust God to turn things around. After all, He has the DNA of God in him, sooner than later, He will be reset to factory settings. 

Would you give up on your son? Would you want his wife to give up on him?  Don't give up on your husband.

Far from easy it is, but love is also patient. See Christianity can also be called being a Mumu. See Jesus na, he could have called fire upon all those roman soldiers flogging Him, ( after all uncle Elijah did it) but He was teaching us something, teaching us that we should keep our eyes on the end game because that's where the victory is. 

When a strange woman enters your home, pray, do the mumucious things, pray some more, do more mumucious things, pray some more, pray much more, pray the strangeness out of the woman, Mumucious like smiling when he comes home late, like still giving him food, like letting him still be boss of his house. 
It is NOT EASY! Especially when you are right, but the end game babay, keep your eyes on the end game. 

(Every strange woman in the marriage of any one who reads this msg, when she comes near ya bobo may she see his face like the pic below) #runsandhides

Stoop to conquer.
No one is allowed to take your place in life, not in career, business, or marriage.
Do not hold your peace.
Choose your fight with wisdom.
Consult the bible constantly.

October is my month o, good things happen to me in October. 
Command the month of October, roar at the gates of October, what is yours won't pass you by. 
In this month of double grace, recieve grace to live in the supernatural.
Take back all you've lost from the enemy.

Most importantly, love like never before.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13


Jehovah o, that guy that told me he did a "cheat" for me for my internet subscription, na lie o. I just found out that it is actually a legal promo. Why was he making me feel special? *hiss*... 

Have you ever felt like someone has gone to report your matter to your pastor because the pastor is just using ya problem to preach? Happened to me today! God have mercy. Pastor O preached my present predicament and she knows absolute nothing. Obviously God speaketh, yes Lord your pikin answereth. 

E hard o, but help me to obey.

Hebrews 13:17

Monday, 29 September 2014


In an emotional interview with Samuel Olatunji of iCampus, motivational speaker, author, CEO of Visible Impact (Management consulting firm) and husband of make-up entrepreneur Tara Durotoye, Fela Durotoye opens up for the first time about how his professor father left his mum for a nursing student and died just as he was about to leave his mistress and reconcile with his wife. The woman later confessed (after running mad) that she killed his father. Read what Fela said below...
My father died because of an extra-marital affair. He had a great marriage but at one point in time he cut it off and left his home, few years later he died. He even died some days to when he was supposed to return home to my mother. He died a mysterious death because the lady said, if I will not have you, nobody will. Few years later, the woman ran insane and was saying all over that she killed my father. So now that I’ve seen what a strange woman can do to a man, it makes sense to stay in one place so I don’t put so many life at stake.
He died in 1982, I was 11 years old. It was so devastating because he went beyond just being my father, he was my best friend. He left home in 1977. I must have been six years old. He was gone for five years. It was at the point where he was trying to get back to his wife that he died in 1982. I never knew what it was like to be a child because my father never treated me like one. I was also his best friend, he used to relate with me like an adult . Even when he left my mum at Ife and was at Ibadan, I used to go to Ibadan every weekend. My relationship with him blossomed till he died. He would send his driver to come and pick me up every weekend. I had to learn how to deal with seeing him and the other woman if I wanted to enjoy my dad. But I was always the centre of attraction every weekend I was with him. The woman was not a major thing I will deal with because my father would give us total attention. Before the separation, my father was a professor in physiology while my mother was a lecturer in Geology.
After he left the University of Ife, he went to set up consultancy firm in medical equipment and so on. My mum remained a professor at Ife. My mum was one of those amazing human beings that you can ever imagine. I cannot tell you how she did it but you can be such that it was God that helped her. And the most difficult part was that watching a man you of loved die in your hands. By the time my father was dying, my mum was right there. He died with his heads in her hands. I do not know how anybody would have done that. Many times my mum said maybe she should not have let him go. She always says that if she knew that the end of the matter would have been that way, she would have followed him with the other woman, she would never let him go. I do not think that my father followed the other woman willingly, it was programmed. It wasn’t natural. I don’t think that he was in his total senses. His siblings were so upset with him, they had to leave him. We should not have allowed him to go into the hands of the devourer.
He used to tell me, don’t worry it is all going to be alright. Meaning that we are all coming back as family. I could see that he always wanted to go back home. His death was one of the most difficult things I had to overcome.
My mum had traveled on sabbatical to Belgium and at one point my father was passing through Belgium. And they had a very short meeting and who knew maybe the signal of the remote control did not get to Belgium. I think somehow the love was rekindled and there was a gentleman, Rev. Faniku who was also in Belgium at that time. He took it upon himself and work on it for almost a year and my dad was almost back to his senses. My mum is incredible brilliant and beautiful. There was no basis for comparison with the other woman who was a nursing student.
Then he fell ill with diabetes but there was no record of diabetes in our linage. He feels sick on Wednesday and died on Sunday morning. He just finished a meeting with my mother and he told the other lady that my mum was coming back home that she has to leave. She told him if she will not have him than nobody will (kaka kekumajesese, afisawadanu). By evening he had come down with a flu. By Monday he was already really sick, by Tuesday he was in the hospital and my Wednesday he was dead.
I have never talked about my dad like this before, I don’t know why I am doing it with you. You must be very special. I learnt that no matter how gifted you are, your destiny can be truncated by a woman. I saw the joy of a successful marriage and I saw the pain of an unsuccessful one. I choose i will go for the joy of a successful marriage. Before my wife and i got married we went to pray and tell God that none of the things that happened in our parent’s marriage would happen in ours. We have tried so far.
Before the separation, they won the couple of the year award twice on campus. My father was an incredible brilliant man. He was the youngest professor in Nigeria as at when he became a professor in 1976. He was 35 or 36. My mum was beauty and brain. They were the happiest couple you can never imagine together.
A mistake of falling for a nursing student who was not even in his department caused all sort of troubles

Proverbs 7


Something happened to me this weekend that I can't explain but one day the Holy Spirit will give me utterance when He thinks my talking About it will make someone's life better.
have never felt more tested in my life but I hope I come out shining forth as gold.

Many things were against me today, at a point I went to meet Sheila to just pray for me, wonderful girl. God bless you. Then my neighbour's car blocked mine and then won't start so I had to use a cab since I was running late, then went to tara for them to do my brows, they said it was too early... Small small irritation but God pass devil. Got a phone call that rattled my whole being, then finally I got to CBN office and time to have my face beat and I packed all the wrong make up but my RUBY WOO stood by me. (Kent be a fine girl with anointing without you)

Anyway o, 700 club nigeria interviewed yours truly today. Chai. I felt the love of God all over again today.

 I remember when I first met my Samu, I had dated before o, but the way this particular one was shacking me ehn, I can't explain. I wanted to be hear his voice every second, wanted to be with him all the time. When I see his name appear on my phone when he's calling, a smile breaks out on my face (still does). We would talk for hours. That's about the time there was a promo on MTN that enabled you talk to one number for free. Na because of us MTN discontinue that tin. We USE am well. I would even listen to him breath, It was like a drug I never wanted to wear off. I would drop everything to talk to him, so if anyone objected to us being together, they were wasting their time o. I could die for the love I felt then.

Now that's the love I felt today when I was in that interview talking about my salvation. Wanting to be in the supernatural constantly is like how I used to want to be in constant touch with my bobo. When I look around and I see things he bought for me and I smile at the thought of how much he cares for me, it liken it to when God does little things for me like make someone help me through an otherwise difficult situation or how He helped me with my iPad. I smile and know He cares for me. I will protect my relationship with my husband because I love him and because I love God. But I will protect my relationship with God because He loves me and I never want to lose that. 
With Him I have all things.

God bless you Laura and your team. Una mus employ me o. Love u

Revisit your salvation story! 

Revelation 2:5

Sunday, 28 September 2014



So that's how I went to renew my internet subscription, I didn't have enough cash to subscribe to the bundle I'd normally subscribe to, so I went for a cheaper option. I was very uninterested in everything going on around me, I just needed internet.  The guy asked me how much I did the last time, I told him. He took my money, and did the whole shindig and then told me he had given me double what I had paid for, I was already thinking of how to harass him for doing that since I had no other money with me, the. He said he just did it for me, I said how, he say na it is a "cheat". I don talk thank you finish before I hear the "cheat" part. And it can't be undone.

I be tongue talking, fine girl with anointing o, wetin I wan do na? Holy Spirit remind me to go give him the difference Biko. But is that on me? Because I didn't ask him. Is that favour? Or should I really go give him the difference?  Let 1k not stand between me and eternity.

The above photo is the popular IYA OYO  Amala joint in wuye and that's her barricade against boko haram bomb blasts :I
Incase you no dey see well, na rope be dat.



My mum's younger brother passed on yesterday. He suffered a stroke and has gone to meet His creator. It is a bit scary and this has made me go and google causes and symptoms of stroke. 

Heard my mum crying hysterically over the phone, thank God there were people around her. Her children were with her. I'm sure she's also silently thanking God she's alive. 

He was a well read man. He lectured in university of Ibadan, Ahmadu Bello University and then retired after lecturing in Delta state university. He wrote a few books like INOTAN AND THE RIVER GODDESS and  WONDERFUL CHILD.
I think he lived in France as well, he wrote a few books in French.

 The last time he suffered a stroke, I called him and prayed with him over the phone, He was happy that I called. He said that my phone call cheered him up. And I promised to keep in touch, I did call him a few times but then I went AWOL again.  He was only 69.

I hope you make heaven, I hope you made peace on earth with all men before you left. 
Rest in the bosom of The Lord Dr Anthony Omoghene Biakolo. 


1 Corinthians 15:22


Now this is the Ene who gave me the book by Joseph Prince to read, this is the same Ene who made me realize you can trust God for everything even as little as a free ride.  Practical Christian, she's never late for any prayer meeting, reliable and dependable, beautiful in and out. 
 I draw strength from you in ways you can't imagine.

Happy birthday woman on fire for God, Gods signboard. Get ready for mighty things in this new year you have stepped into. 

Saturday, 27 September 2014


In Joseph Prince book, unmerited Favour, he said if The Lord is with you, you are a success. Check genesis 39:2, he used Joseph as an example, he said Joseph was in the middle of being sold to slavery in Egypt but the bible said, " and The Lord was with him and he was a successful man" but he was a slave o. So that means that it really don't matter your situation, what matters is WHO IS WITH YOU.

Then he said we should practice the presence of Jesus. Tell yourself "Jesus is with me so I am a success". Which means good things will come to you. Jesus can't be where there's sin in abundance and filth.

That's how I was gifted a couch and I had to go pick it up this afternoon and my 'MTN' is too small to carry it, so I went in search of a station wagon. As I stood waiting for one, I realized that station wagon plenty pass for inside market. I stood for well over 10 minutes under the sun on a busy wuse 2 street looking for cab, which is rare, in front of my gate I can get a normal cab.

Then I remembered a dear friend Ene saying when she's at a junction, she prays for favour and God shows up. Nne, na so I tell Holy Spirit , "you are with me so I'm a success, please can I get a station wagon that will take me to gwarimpa and back for 1k". As I opened my eyes, one flew pass me, ah. This time with my eyes open I said "Holy spirit please bring another" and immediately I sighted one going to another turn, then a car doing a wrong turn blocked him and then I waved, and he came my way. Guess what? 3 more came and all of them headed towards me. Jehovah overdo!!!

He didn't want the sun to burn my Oyibo skin ( WAREFA).

He answered me. *dancing kalangu*. See, I don't care what people say about Christians praying about everything, I will pray about everything! He has ears all over His body, that's why He can hear over 6 billion people at the same time. He's the sea that never dries up. I'm happy I'm a Christian o.

God bless you Evelyn for that couch. Love u mucho.

Isaiah 65:24

Friday, 26 September 2014


Had a fabulous evening at the NYSC camp in abuja. My pastor O was ministering and as one of her protocol team, I am very privileged to be with her during ministrations. Seeing young people that could easily be living in crystal lounge worship God is a beautiful thing, there is hope. 

On my way back, I had a beautiful conversation with someone on how God broke destructive addictions in his life just because he's connected to WWP! Awesome God. 

I rish house and stumbled into Vindicated on BET, tins dey happen o. One guy was sentenced to 99 years for a rape he didn't commit. 99 years? If he was destined to live for 45 years, na two lifetimes for prison be dat o, and he was innocent??? Holy Ghost Fire!!! He could not even remember how to use a fork and knife when he was released.

Reminds me of what happened to my bobo early this year. That day, I woke up and saw my mr praying by himself. Then he went to park a car he put up for sale. He had to get fuel first, so I wasn't bothered he had taken longer than necessary. Then his phone call came in, SARS had arrested him for driving a car without number plates. I thank the Holy Spirit for wisdom, He made me ask him what station where they were taking him immediately, I jumped into clothes and headed for the station and as I walking in, they had taken all his valuables and were shoving him into the cell.

I took all his things and started to call people who I knew could help me. Somehow it wasn't making sense, then I started to worship my Father, sang to Him in tears, reminded Him of the fact that He cannot lie and how I am His daughter and shame cannot be identified with me. And He showed up for me. He started to turn things around.

Later we found out that they were goin to charge my husband for armed robbery, and had been given a quota to get people locked up because there had been car robberies and had caught no perpetuators. Now the thing is my husband is so careful, never goes out without drivers license or car papers but somehow this day, he didn't have the car papers. So they said the car was stolen, I looked for those papers where they should be and they weren't there. I nearly craze na. Holy Spirit led me to it in a very obscure place in the other car. They were going to charge him to court the next day and he would be imprisoned, another man's sin roped on my husband. Ah!!! Rebosheke...
I've heard of many cases like that. God vindicated Samuel. 

I give God praise that he was vindicated. I thank God that the story isn't what the enemy planned. I have an advocate, the one who is a Lamb and also the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

In WWP a few weeks before, pastor O had asked us to pray against wrong accusations for the men in our lives, I prayed it for my brothers and husband, I'm glad I took that prayer point seriously. It went a long waaaaaaaay. 


1 Peter 5:8

In other news, coke zero isn't the same as Coca Cola. Shalom!

Thursday, 25 September 2014


Came across this beautiful message from Jeremiah Gyang.....

Girl of my dreams, strength of my youth, let me be all I can be for you; hear how I call you from afar, let my heart stay connected to you. Girl of my time, see you so mild, let me be everything that you need; even when evil passeth by, let me be all I can be for you!

Even when years have passed you by;
When you look gray when heaven's nigh;
I wanna share those days with you my love!
Just 'cos I long to be with you
Let me love you anew everyday
Yes girl I love to be with you
Let me love you forever my love!

Happy birthday Ladi, happy mon L'ange, happy birthday my love! @ladigyang...

When a man loves his wife, the world can see it, no amount of Mary Kay foundation can cover the pain on the face of a mistreated woman, no jewelry can outshine the downcast look.
when a man is adulterous, he opens up doors to all sorts of danger to himself and his family. 
When a man loves his wife and treats her accordingly, he's doing himself a world of good, the bible says love your wife as you love yourself. Adultery wrecks more havoc than most men know you are trading your whole life for a few moments of "pleasure". 

Young women, never marry a man that no one can reprimand, (God, pastor, mentor, parents) he is like a dog who doesn't listen to his masters whistle, in layman's language na one chance you don enter so o.

Proverbs 5:18

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


The bible talks in different places how you should be led by the spirit when you give your life to Christ, Infact Romans 8:14 says if you want to assume the role of a son of God, you should be led by the spirit. 

What about when the pain is flesh? When it is real? When you can literally feel the hurt in your chest ?When you feel like your heart is about to pound out of your chest? What about when the pain is what you can't help but see? When 1+ 2= 0? When your answers are going the opposite way of your prayers? Sometimes I want to run away from it all, change my name, location, I've even considered suicide not too long ago. Then the scripture came to me in a dream : Romans 8:28, it gave me new meaning, so I decided to start pleasing and loving God.

Then the bible say na be of good cheer, hmmmmmm. It is difficult but because I have made a resolve to please God, and He said I cannot please Him without having faith in Him, I will be of good cheer.

Even when my finances are screaming for help, I will please God.
Even when my husband is being a "man" I will please God.
Even when I do a make up job and the client wants to rush for the bathroom sink, I will please God.
Even when there's no peace in my family, I will trust God.
Even when my car is showing itself, I will please God.
Even when my health is suffering, I will please God.
Even when friends betray me, I will please God.
Even when the home kit says negative month in month out, I will please God.
Even when the rent is due and i have not a dime to pay, I will please God.
Even when I feel like my hands will look good on my boss' throat, I will please God.
Even when the whole world is ganging up on me, I will please God.
Even when I run to church for solace and find none, I will please God.
I may cry when these stuff happen, but because I have seen Gods hand in my life and  Noone who has ever trusted Him gets disappointed, I WILL PLEASE HIM.

The price is heavy but it is well worth it in the end, none of these things will take me to heaven, they are temporal but pleasing God will take me to heaven which is my "end game" according to Olivia pope.(hehehehehe) 
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but we shall overcome ALL!!!

U lucifer mr to and fro, you can rave and rant all you want, If you let my papa catch you. 
I am building my house upon the Rock that never fails, so gba be, you have lost and I Oghenetega Oluwatosin Ojevwe Omogor will weary you out in the place of prayer. So help me God

Halleluyah Someborry..

Feel free to drop ya offerings.

John 16:33, Proverbs 16:7

Monday, 22 September 2014


So all over the internet there's nude photos of a few American actresses and they are all claiming their iCloud accounts were hacked.

Maybe Gabrielle union and Meagan Good, but aunty Kim kardashian, Kai nne park well, na u leak ya own. That's you in your element na.

Then one king sized nigerian married actress in her 40s went to a studio to take some kind pictures I can't explain. With her granny underpants? Haba, haba. I really love that our society still frowns at a lot of things, no matter how our eye tear reach back, we still do not condone nudity! 

Anyway the person I feel bad for is Meagan Good, na preacher wife o, Seventh Day Adventist church in America. She says he's not a pastor. *ahem. 

She's not very happy about it and she let everyone know that the photos were meant for her bobo.
Now the thing is, as a Christian woman, Is it allowed to send nude photos to your husband?

Sunday, 21 September 2014


God bless you Ene Opita for giving me this book to read. I did the sinners prayer tonight because I really didn't understand what Jesus dying on the cross for me meant. I wasn't accepting the fullness of what He had done for me. I was paying lip service to being under grace but honestly unknowingly living under the law. So I was keeping dormant the power of The blood that was shed.

When the children of Israel were instructed to put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, was it their conduct or the blood that made the spirit of death pass over? It was the blood of the Passover lamb, how much more the blood of Jesus, the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant. 

I recognize now that my life is really about Gods grace, I was born on a day of grace (5) double grace month (10), surrendered my life to His Lordship on a day of grace (5 April) and have somehow lived under His grace without even realizing. He has been good to me. Soooo many times I fall, He picks me up and nudges me to go on. Not because I merit it by my "works" but because of His unmerited love for me. I remember praying a few weeks ago, asking for the spirit of ease to come Into my life and the Holy Spirit said to me, "you have always had a life of ease" I was puzzled but it is so true, I just didn't accept it, now I get You better.

In the last few days I have nicely displayed a few fruits of the flesh that I was beginning to feel unworthy of Gods love, I could not pray or praise properly for the last few days. A few things happened, I realized I wasn't being led by the spirit and I felt shame, and then the Holy Spirit, my comforter reminded me how He's not present in my life to bring me guilt and self condemnation. 
I've cried for mercy to God, asking Him to lead me to manifest His fruits in a powerful new way... I intend to make it a daily prayer. 

I have Jesus, so I am successful in all my endeavors. It isn't about what I do but who I have. His name is Emmanuel (always with me).

Indeed His grace is sufficient.

Romans 8:1


Spent the day with my Nieces yesterday and I was overwhelmed with a flood of memories. Tobi was born in the 90's and that munchkin in the middle 14 years later. My sister went to God asking when He would give her a 2nd child and He told her when she turned 39 (didn't believe all that then) . And it was spot on, I Carried this two gyals as children o. As we went to a few places yesterday , a lot of men were ogling at tobi so much and I jus dey vex, cos in my mind she's still the tobi I carried as a baby, I nearly screamed at one guy o "na small pikin o" forget all this make up and her body.

She has grown into a beautiful, responsible,gracious, well mannered woman. I remember "pay to me I am the payment" days. She grew up like the 3rd adult in the family. I always say my sister doesn't remember when she had tobi, she's older than her age.

That smallie in d middle is our miracle baby, my sisters gift from God, my own gift from God,another reason I know God answers prayers. Month in month out my sister expected her monthly flow to cease and it never did for 14 years after tobi was born. I can't imagine how she felt honestly.

Neta is the reason I moved to abuja, when my sister told me she was pregnant, I employed tobi to be her chief steward till I come, and just before the birth, I resumed my duty as chief comedian because the devil came with his lies that she had high bp and fibroid, (not as a prayer warrior, didn't know bout that then). It got so bad that she will burst into laughter just by seeing me. It is no surprise neta is like me In a few ways, I close marked my sister ehn. She chose CS, she didn't want no complications Infact her words were "cut me open and bring my child out". 

Somehow I was alone with tobi when neta was brought out, tobi refused to carry her new born sister, not like neta was tiny o, she was a whooping 3.95kg, She was so beautiful, I carried her, cried while praying for her. I am part of the reason neta is so spoilt and I'm not sure I regret it. She was a delight as a baby, is a delight now, will be a delight forever. I doubt if I'd love my biological child more than I love her. When she wants to be naughty, she calls me mummy and tells the story of me being the first person to carry her like she was there.
2005 seems like yesterday but my neta is all grown up, even updated her mothers OS on her tablet.

God is a master strategist, I dunno if I would have received my salvation if I had remained in Kano,where I was living that decadent life thinking I was enjoying my life,I was already considering converting to Islam at the time my sister got pregnant, I had chosen my Islamic name, I won't have met all the wonderful people He has sent my way. I won't have been fulfilling destiny. It took pure love for family for me to move to abuja, it took Neta's coming to the world for all things to fall into place. Truly He knows the plans He has towards us...

( see us all wearing leopard print without planning it, blood dey smeh) hehehehehe
Jeremiah 29:11


Got this from another blog...the end is seriously near.

Congolese Jean-Claude Kibondzi is one of the thousands of worshippers who crave to see TB Joshua. He said that he is based in Sweden and that he has not been able to meet TB Joshua since he started coming to Nigeria in 2012. He calls himself a prophet and predicts that more buildings at the Synagogue may collapse.

He speaks in a manner that casts doubt over his sanity. Excerpts.

You said God revealed things to you. What were they?
T.B Joshua is a messiah. He is not a real human being. He is a special creator from God and it is only God that knows why he chose to use that body. There is likely no man of God who is spiritually endowed. It is only those who are filled with the spirit of God that can understand him and that is why demons tremble when they come close to him. Again, I want to say T.B Joshua is the fulfillment of the promise of God in Mathew 21 verse 42 to 44.

You said God revealed the building collapse to you. Which other revelation has God shown you that has come to pass?
God has shown me many Prophecies like the fall of the Catholic church and the fall of the Pope. I sent these prophecies via mail to SCOAN. I even call the church but nothing tangible has come out of it.

Why did you send it to SCOAN and not the catholic church?
Well, I sent it to SCOAN because I had contact with them and I told some Pastors in Sweden but they did not believe me. I told them about the missing Malaysian airplane but they never listened to me. My Challenge in Sweden is racism.

Have you been able to speak with TB Joshua since Saturday?

No, his security officials were very arrogant. They go as far as pushing and treating you like a dog. They did not want me to talk. I was detained on Sunday around 8am till 9:45pm in a room with no water or food. My family did not know where I was. At 9:45pm, they told me to come back the next day that I will see the man of God. The next day, I was at Gate 5 as agreed. They began to push me here and there and when they saw that some people were attracted to the scene, they carried me into the same room and locked me there. It was when I was released that my wife told me it was someone who saw us when we were walking into the church premises that told her and she began shouting and this led to my release.

Why do you think God sent you instead of somebody close to TB Joshua?
God has sent me to America to empower a man of God. I also got a revelation about President Obama and other pastors in Sweden prayed for him for two weeks.

Have you met TB Joshua in spirit?
I met him in the spirit and in the throne of God.

It takes a spiritual person to understand who this man is. For me, I have to know you in the spirit to confirm whether or not you are a man of God. If TB Joshua were a white man, I believe, we will be paying nothing less than $10,000 to go and visit him. But, here in Nigeria, people don’t believe him and I am giving them another five years and they will know better when this man’s mission will be accomplished.

Are you are saying, he has a mission to be accomplished in five years time and will be taken away like Enorch?
God will take him and everyone will see it. Then, the people will know. But, until then.

Is that a fresh revelation?
It is not like a fresh revelation, but, the consequence of the threatening of his life. He will not be killed but he will suffer.

Are you saying all these to get the man’s attention, perhaps when the story is out, he will call you over?
No, I am not. I spoke with one of the man’s wise men called, “Wise man Daniel and made him understand that he was a prophet of T.B Joshua while I am a prophet of the Almighty God. He apologized immediately because heknew I was not kidding. I told him I will put the power of God to test in his presence so as to know that I am not an ordinary man. God will always rescue TB Joshua from any trouble but I am more concerned of the lives of the people that may perish if no preventive measure is taken. I am not in government but a spiritual leader, and whether people like it or not, I will be going back to my country. I have told God that, this would be my last time in Nigeria and I will not come back.

And what if God sends you to people like Adeboye, Kumuyi among others?
I don’t take a contact of someone I don’t know in the spirit. Many people call themselves men of God but in the real sense they are not. I can’t talk or authenticate someone who I have not met in the spirit.

What will happen if you are not able to see him?
This is my seventh visit to SCOAN and everything God has shown has happened. So, if I can’t get him this time, I will not come back.culled

Friday, 19 September 2014


In the last two days I've heard preaching on sonship and I know that obviously God is saying something. 
I heard today that the day after Man was created was the day God took His rest, He always took walks with Adam, (hung out with him). God loves relationship. He even called Abraham His friend, He told Moses stuff. 
God created all humans but not all humans can call Him father. According to John 1:12, you have to recieve Him and believe in Him, be led by the spirit then you can confidently be called a son. 

Benny Hinn in his book 'good morning Holy Spirit' said at a point his relationship with the Holy Spirit was so deep that one time he was gisting with Him and then his mum called him, just as he was going to leave, the Holy Spirit asked for five more minutes. Eeeeehn, (dat na anada levo).

My brothers little girl loves him to a distraction, toluwani doesn't feel right till she has made body contact with her dad. She calls him "my daddy". Even when he's stressed out after a hard days job and she cries for cheese balls, he gets up, takes her with him to get it, just to satisfy her. He doesn't feel right when she's not 'gumming' him. No matter how tired he is, she brightens his day and vice versa.

Now that's the kind of relationship God wants, when we can tarry in His presence, loving on Him, calling Him beautiful names, basking in His glory, enjoying His embrace, sing to Him, praise Him, dance for Him, clap for Him. Not harassing Him with requests. He knows what you need, He's not an irresponsible Father.

Imagine two kids, one constantly checking on her father, cheering him up, hanging out with him, in need of stuff but more concerned in the joy her hanging out with her father brings to him and then the other just saying 'hello daddy, how are you? Please I need ......'.
Which child is he likely to drop everything and attend to?

Imagine Vin diesel being your father and you have an amazing loving relationship with him, Infact I will go and look for trouble and run home, make dem come na! 

Love on God, He created vin diesel *wink.

Galatians 4:1, romans 8:15.

Thursday, 18 September 2014


Every Thursday is my date with Jesus day, I just love on Him, read His word, Hear Him, feel His love and embrace.

God can't be boxed up, His ways are indeed not our ways. I somehow haven't spoken to my mum in weeks. First my phone got missing, then she asked me to join one of these numerous network marketing business as her downline, I never got round to even making the enquiries so I started to avoid her calls so I don't disappoint her yet tell no lies to save face, then her own phone got stolen. 
I really knew I should call her regardless, but I kept burying my large head under sand like an ostrich. 

For the last two weeks, I've been having this nagging feeling to call her but then I tell myself she will whine and harass me about swissgarde, so I kept pushing it aside and procrastinating.

So today as in began to worship on my date with Jesus, I heard clearly "call your mum". I went mute for a while, then pushed it aside again as usual then tried to continue worshipping but somehow I could not, so I picked the phone and dialed her number.

She sounded so bad, breathing heavily, her voice was very faint. The first thing my mother says is " Tega you remembered me today?" I felt shame wash over me, I am meant to be a Christian, I am meant to follow the principles in the bible. I burst into tears. My mum is 72, I am her last child, I look a lot like her and I know she loves me very much, she calls me her confidant. 

Then I called my brothers and my sister inlaw. She was rushed to the hospital, she apparently had a mild stroke 2 weeks ago, she was having nasty headaches. I have a Jehovah Rapha so I know she is healed in Jesus name.

I give God praise that He speaks to me, I give God praise that He helped me to recognize His voice. I give Him praise that I had credit to call, i give Him praise i had people to call, I give Him praise that they were available to answer.i am in awe of God. I am happy I am Gods sheep.

Imagine if I had pushed it aside again and no one knew what was going on. Would I have been writing this? Would I have been thrown into mourning? 

IYA,I refuse to wait to say how much I love u in a eulogy. Let me say it to the world now I love you very much, regardless of the mistakes you have made in the past. Because you gave me birth, I love you, because God says I should honour you, I love you. 

John 10:27

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Age 12 to 20: I was diagnosed with Scoliosis, traveled to every state in America, singing to raise funds for my surgery. I watched my Parents cry, caught in between hope and despair for the possibility of losing their only child. I died on the hospital bed, and you will have to get my book to read it in detail. But IM STILL HERE! Used a wheel chair, a walker, Codine, all kinds of mediums to get better. I fully recovered the day I sneaked out of the house at 5am, and walked to school will an open scar from the surgery. I knew that if I stayed in bed one more day, I wouldn't get up! And I've been up since then  

By Age 18, I was already in so many Choirs, school, church, bands...I was a main Voice-Over for songs shipped to trio group"Out of Eden". I had been everywhere, sang everyday, did backup for almost every artist in Cleveland Ohio. But I struggled with Math. I had taken the Proficiencies(Waec) over 9 times. I was in Cleveland Ohio then. I could never pass, but after the 9th time, I got 50 points above average, and I went on to the University in Texas. 

At 21, I was in an ungodly relationship, and lived with him for 3 years. I lost my singing voice, lost my anointing, lived in fear, guilt, bondage, and all the Christians reminded me of what a dirty horrible person I was! I made up my mind to get serious with God, not for them, but for myself... and moved to Kentucky, to rededicate my life and start all over! 

At 23-24: I was working 4 jobs(Babysitter, Shoe Salesman, Waitress and Hospice Caregiver). I was literally working all 4 everyday! One day, I had a Potassium attack, my pottasium level had depleted, and I was rushed to the hospital, when God revealed to me that my hardwork was an attempt to run away from Him. He was right, because I was not attending church regularly, and I hated Him for allowing a lot of crap come my way Little did I know, that pressure makes diamonds! 
I repented, became an avid member of my Choir in Kentucky. My restoration began. Pearls began in Kentucky. I sang at so many conferences in Atlanta, California, Las Vegas, for the likes of Pastor Oritsijafor, Benny Perez...and one day, Judy Jacobs heard me sing, and that's how I joined her Mentoring School in Tennessee . I became one of her Armor Bearers and travelled with her.

At 24: A man proposed to me on the first day he met me. I told him to wait for 2 years. He waited, and became my husband Nov 25th, 2011. He always said, "You don't know who you are. You are a force". I was enveloped with a lot of self esteem issues. I grew up in the lime light. Planted churches with my Parents in Africa and America, painted walls, cleaned bathrooms, auditioned for American Idol 7 times, Sunday Best 5 Times, and did a whole lot of Restaurant and Bar competitions to make a little money for the upkeep of my small apartment in Louisville...I was used to having to stress myself out to get results, simply because I didn't know the power I carried. 

At 28: I finally graduated from the University after 8 Years (Child Psychology and Church Ministries). I got married, and began to shuttle both Homes(Louisville and Abuja).

At 29: I became an Ordained Pastor with Ben Oruma Ministries. My Dad bought me a BlackBerry for my 29th birthday, and all I wanted to use It for was to start a Blackberry Church. With that being impossible, I mandated myself to encourage my followers everyday, and I have never blinked since then. The money I've made from this device is inexplanable. God is truly amazing. 

How I came from being a reject, a college drop out, a wayward Gospel Artist, a rebellious hurting child, an angry wife...to being a woman of passion, zest, and grace. I owe it to my Parents(Bishop Ben & Joy Oruma), who introduced me to Jesus Christ, paid over 10 Million Naira in University Fees(NO LIE), looked for me when I ran away from home on a binge. I bless God! 

My 31 Year Old Theme is: No more placating. I will no longer allow anybody make me believe contrary to who I am. 2. I will take risks. I hate red, but I painted my nails red yesterday. I hate green, but that's the color I will wear at my Birthday Party. It's time to stop making senseless rules Omenesa. Fit only into God's mold. Ummm 3. I forgive those who have gone out of their way to ask me stupid questions, intentionally trying to make me feel bad, "Why don't you have children?", "Why are you an only child?" "Aren't you just a Pastor by Merit, afterall your dad is a Bishop". I don't blame you! 

I am grateful to the very few people who love me. I know who they are  It is awesome to know lots of people. But it's even better when you know those who will die for you.

I'm 31 Y'all! I have 4 more years to work my butt off, and start training my Successor! By 40, I will be relaxing in Dubai! What I've learned thus far...everyday you are closer to death. At least leave a landmark. I am such a realist. I will die on my 100th Birthday, and I must let the world know that "I was here". 

That's her story! And she rose above all what the enemy threw at her, God has the final say over our lives.
Her single hits the radio waves this week.. Stay tuned.

Happy birthday sis God bless you for sharing your life and encouraging us... (I am famzing but I don't care)..

Lamentations 3:37




Tuesday, 16 September 2014


And today was AWESOME! If only women can take dressing, marriage will be enjoyed not endured. I promised myself to always take one thing I'd never forget from the meetings and today I got several.
First of all marriage is Gods idea and not that you fell in love and decided to marry, marriage is far from carnal, How precious is your marriage to you? Women think of that designer bag you really want to get, how you behave yourself financially to make sure you get it, how you pamper it after you get it. Is it possible to treat your marriage like that? Like it means something to you. Marriage won't make you happy If you weren't happy single. It takes a deliberate, selfless, determined woman who knows she's on a mission to have a happy home. Let's do it the way God says.. Be wise. 

Proverbs 14:1

Monday, 15 September 2014



Oya na!



Abeg tell me say na lie Abeg!!!


So Mondays I meet with 3 sisters of mine and we pray about our husbands, children, marriages and different things bothering us.
It has been one year and God has been faithful to us. In this one year, one of us went to have her baby in the US, God took her down and back safely, we heard mother and son's voice, another of us is heavily pregnant, God has brought peace to our marriages, God has taught us to be praying wives.

In this one year, we have laughed together, we have cried together, we have helped each other, we have encouraged each other, we have corrected each other, we have celebrated together, we have grown spiritually, maritally.  We didn't think we could do it, but Holy Spirit has helped us. On angels wings we have been flying.

I celebrate you Beatrice Yeye Adekunle, 
I celebrate you Faith Graham Gande
I celebrate you Gina Inu umoru Agbukor
Awesome Gyels, in our diversity lies our strength. May we remain Gyels in our hearts forever, may Gods love bind us together for a long time, May the devil never come between us. As we are together in our "humble beginnings", may be be together in our errrr "humble enduring wealth times". Love u guys big.

Above all I celebrate God for the day He dropped this idea. 

Matthew 18:19

Sunday, 14 September 2014


That's how it is alleged that this was an attack. Something about an aircraft flying over the building a few minutes before the collapse happened.

The God who knows the secret things will expose the truth...

Meanwhile the death toll is at 40. God have mercy.

Saturday, 13 September 2014


This one na powers of him papa house dey pursue am. How desperate and gullible can anyone be? If he manages to leave jail, if he catch that babalawo ehn..
The devil go just set stage, dey beat drum, Mumu people go dey dance 'kokoma' go..

John 10:10


Not that I will notice if Ponmo is banned sha...dunno why anyone eats that tasteless thing.


Many people are reported to have died with several others injured after a 5-storey building located inside the headquarters of the (TB JOSHUA's) Synagogue Church of All Nations in Ikotun, Lagos collapsed around 2pm yesterday.Many member who lived inside the church building were among those who died while some are believed to still be trapped.The injured ones have been taken to the hospital while the dead ones are being evacuated to the mortuary.  

There are reports that as many as 50 people died this afternoon when the building collapsed. The building is also said to be is reserved for foreigners visiting the church for spiritual help.
God have mercy! It is important to live ready.

Matthew 25:13

Wednesday, 10 September 2014



Ephesians 5:28-31


Imagine this kind of picture now? Just to deceive Christians. The devil is real, he uses people to do stuff like this to make us think he doesn't really exist. Meanwhile he dey dwe dwe you spiritually and physically. 

Like pastor O says , God doesn't use ajebutters, He has no time for "minus satan plus Jesus" Christians.  Don't be a causality in the battle.
The devil is extremely deliberate, make a conscious effort to be deliberate too.
Pray like a maniac, pray like your life depends on it( it does).  You are too cool for prayer, the devil is too cool to spare you.
I want to be the kind of Christian that when I'm at a place, satanic activities around the whole area up to 1 kilometer suspends till I waka comot. Yelz ke.. That would lethal. 
I declare my house,my family, my finances, my husband (strange women run n forget ya slippers)  a military zone! All Kpians Abeg fly at your own risk.
Ephesians  6:13-18

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


On this day a few decades ago, a great man was born, I bet his parents didn't know how much joy this man will bring to me. Many women love their men because they are billionaires, intelligent, hardworking, God fearing, responsible, decent, handsome, faithful, social, etc, even though you are all that and much more.

You care for me in a way that I find amazing, to the smallest detail that concerns me. Even when you are far away, you try to make my life easier not wanting me to feel your absence. Even in my momentary craze, you contain me like a father will do to a child, you listen to my idle talk in a way only a best friend will. Very selfless with me like a husband should be.

No one sees all that I see in you, (I'm glad about that sha) except my God.
In your imperfection, you are perfect for me, I'm glad you are in my life,
Your life will be the opposite of the expectations of ur enemies, every thing that has withstood you until now begins to give way, every where you have been mocked, you will be celebrated there from today, you will be a source of pride to your family, our children will give God praise that you are their father. May your parents and siblings continue to thank God for the day you were born.

I give God praise for your life. God will prosper you, God will increase you, My God doesn't lie and He said he who finds a wife finds favour, receive the favour of God because you found me, men will favour you, the land begins to yield its increase unto you, God will honour you. Gods mercy will abide with you. 
No one will take your place in my life, no one will take your place in our children's lives.
You will fulfil Gods plan for your life, You will not build for another to inhabit.
My God will collapse years for you, He will restore all you have lost.
May all the good meanings of your names begin to manifest in a powerful new way from today. In good health You will fulfil the number of your days. 

Ovbigho 1 of eruemukowhoarien, Olorogun Owhorode of eruemukowhoarien,  Oshare me, Olowo ori mi Samu, Ade ori mi, ife mi, okunrin meta, the father of my babies, my guy, the PIP in ANGEL-PIP.

Receive ease of God, Walk into your season and take over the world.

Happy Birthday my Husband Samuel Omogor...

Now all the women close ya eyes *wink