Love no be easy thing o, it isn't that gooey feeling we feel, butterflies in the tummy etc. It is an action, it is doing thing, not a feeling and as Christians that is what we are meant to exhibit and be known for.
Someone I know converted to Islam even though at the beginning she was a Christian and he let her go to church. When I asked the reason she converted she said the Muslims showed her more love than the Christians.
It broke my heart. Not because she's a Muslim now, but because Christians are forgetting that love is what God is.
We are more afraid of thou shall not steal, kill etc but we are forgetting that the law of the New Testament is love your neighbour as you love yourself.
If you love your neighbour, you won't steal from him, you won't kill him, you won't beat him lower when he's down. For those of us that the way we treated a person has sent them flying to the wrong direction, mercy Lord!
I think all Christians should read 'The Final Quest'. We will all understand the gimmicks of the devil.
When we see a fellow christian fall, instead of pulling the person up, we talk down on them, those of us that want to form 'good christian' still have a condescending tone in the 'help' we offer.
A girl has a child outside wedlock, instead of loving that child to ensure there's no reoccurrence, we ostracize the child, of course she will look for comfort elsewhere and most times in the wrong places. How have we helped that situation? Would you like to be helped up or stepped upon when you slip? We should love to the point that unbelievers will begin to question their unbelief.
Even a dog likes where he's being loved and cared for. I intend to show more love this year, to the lovable and unlovable, because I know I am unlovable to some people as well.
Love is a habit, cultivate it.
What's your code of conduct as a Christian?
Happy new year people. Lets make sure we give quality Christianity back to God as He has given us 2015.
John 13:34-35, Matthew 5:43-47