Friday 26 December 2014


We are taking over the world, whether the world likes it or not. 

When I first saw her, I first thought of how to use her as my face model to do a photoshoot for my make up studio, pretty face, perfect teeth. I didn't realise I had just met one of the people who will hold my hand in my trying times, I didn't know I had just met with destiny.

Somehow, as deep calleth unto deep, I asked her to join our prayer network of young women in young marriages. She agreed and I am soooooo glad I responded to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. 
I've known her for a little over one year but I feel like she's been in my life for years. I am so sure if we had met before Jesus found us, we would still have been good friends. 

Prayer machine, Jehu anointing carrier, 'bulldozer' according to Faith Gande, Amazingly kind soul
 ( thought she was faking too ) very selfless, many times she will be giving her all to you with so much excitement, you'd swear she has so much stashed somewhere.
I've learnt not to take any relationship for granted, being friends with You has made me understand the true meaning of love, through your character I understand patience and endurance. You give me strength in ways you can never understand, the one I can tell anything on the face of the earth and won't judge me. The one I can let see my most embarrassing moments and we would laugh through it.
Relentless, stubborn in the right direction.  Quick to follow the leading of God, stands by her own no matter what.
With you Beatrice I have learnt it isn't about who has been around you the longest.

With you I feel like a very funny person because everything i say makes her laugh. We may fight, but we become better sisters for it.

You know that friend that you tell each other the bitter truth, you fight, then cry, then hug each other and laugh at your stupidity? That's Beatrice for me! 

For all the opportunities you have lost in this life, Heaven won't rest till it delivers them into your hands. You won't fail God, the assignments He has given you will be completed, you will pass them excellently, anyone on the face of the earth who has ever mocked you, will celebrate you, they will be the carriers of the good news, God will honour you and your husband. Elevate you, children will surround your table, joy will overflow in your life, God bless you.
Step into your season of favour, fruitfulness and joy.

Happy Birthday my sister, my prayer partner, the one who sits at drivers seat while I drive her (imagine o), my partner in tins, my friend, my meat loving partner, my coke buddy, my do as u do person, most of all my ' friendship mi'... Love you big babay!


  1. Thank you Tega, God will honour and bless you. With you I really understand what sisterhood without blood is, you are blessed amongst women.

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