Friday 5 December 2014


My friend calls me a week ago at around 3 am crying hysterically, I was so scared that maybe armed robbers were at her house or something, I started to speak in tongues o, (na wetin I sabi be dat). And then i had an earful. I asked permission to write about this because I know a looooooot of people are going through this or have gone through this (marrying a "mistake")

She wants out of her marriage because she says she knows the man is a mistake. He is everything she didn't want In a man but he looked good on paper and she don clock 32. He's an unrepentant womanizer and is living off her. Lost his job just after the wedding 3 years ago and has refused to get another job, instead will take money from her and if she doesn't give him he goes to other women.

That night he knew she was out for vigil and brought a girl home from the club. 
Imagine going to pray about your family situation and you come home and meet him with a woman on your matrimonial bed? He thought she would be home at 5, unfortunately she felt sick and chose to come home.

I felt her pain, I cried with her, prayed with her but I could not say much when she asked me if she should leave her marriage. I cannot put asunder even with my words. Especially because she knew who he was before she married him, she claims he hid it well, but my love I beg to differ, We all know, no woman should say her husband hid his character. Character na like smoke, e must comot in due time. 

The bible says God hates divorce, and many men take advantage of that especially when it is a Christian girl.  My take is if your adultery was to your own peril e for no pain me, but you drag your innocent spouse through that spiritual and mental torment. She has treated many infections/ diseases, he will beg, she will forgive but now she wants a divorce. I didn't have the guts to even tell her to endure.. 

How many men's/women's souls do you have inside of you? Every person you sleep with leaves a part of themselves with you. Sexually transmitted demons are not something to play with and are harder to get rid of than diseases!!!! Soul ties are more powerful than you think. The right mate for you will PRAY on your soul not PREY on it. Women, God made us to be protected by our husband's and sex makes you feel married, even though you aren't. Sex is a spiritual bond because of the connection made during love making. Do you ever wonder what your soul looks like to GOD? Sex does more to the body than the eyes can see. Be careful who and what you allow your soul to tie to!!! This picture touched me. #WhoIsLivingInYou#StopPremaritalSex!!!!!!
This isn't a joke, many people think they are just having fun, you are on a fab lane to destruction.

In situations like this, can there be a u-turn?


  1. Hmm mm, a subject most people overlook cos they don't want to invade the other person going to hell's privacy. God save us all. Fornication, adultery and all forms of sexual immorality is sin. Don't paint it COOL, cos you want to please your followers. Lead them to heaven even if it's the painful truth that you might loose followership. Remember we will all be held accountable for those we don't save.

  2. Hmmm! Thank God for the infection (s) she can treat. What if he infects with HIV? In my opinion o, I won't advice her to keep having sex with him without knowing his HIV STATUS. Since she can't opt out of d marriage, she must play safe!

  3. Marriage they say is for better or worse.... i think she should pray it out...i have a similar situatuation and its hard to leave, een ur folks will tell u cheating is not the worst for seeing the signs before marriage, dearie a man can hide his character for as long as he wants, believe me some men have no conscience...but for goodness sakes y bring a woman to ur matrimonial bed???? thats just disrespectful.... well pray dear and continue of my friends will say,"all the books have made us understand that man is polygamous in nature" so if he at least makes an effort to hide it then heyyyyyyy all u have is prayer....
