Friday 19 December 2014


So it is my big sister's birthday today. There are 4 full grown urhobo men between us. She is the type to rescue you out of any tight situation. She's a kind person, shrewd business woman sha, she now married an Israeli so the business acumen no be here matter. We have an older sister who is the General Commander of the Patrick Ojanomare clan, and another brother. This are the strict ones, the ones that our folks flogged responsibility into their heads and then they in turn slapped it into us, thanks to them sha,it made us better people, I for don be gangster. 

Aunty Benny is the 'go to' sister when you are in trouble and need a soft landing so the deafening slaps don't come in quick succession. She was the one we all looked forward to her return when she was in university because we know say "fun times are here'. 
Because of the many boys, her presence was a breath of fresh air. I would sleep in her room when she's in town, afraid she will soon leave me again, watch her dress up, make up. She was a serious fashionista, she liked shakara, and I was in awe of this woman.

She's plenty of fun and pleeeenty of hard work too. She's the kind of sister/ mummy to ask you if you tried your best in an exam you may have failed. She's the type to give you long ropes, (may you not hang yourself sha), give you many chances. Ever willing to help, accepts you as you come. With the way she loves, I can understand with the father of the prodigal son. I could talk all sorts with her and she would laugh from her soul, she made me feel like I was funny.  

She's also the mama of ms TC accessories and my netushka, My 1st child. It is no wonder being around you feels like celebration, you were born in the season of celebration. May celebration never cease from your life. As you light up a place when you step in, May darkness never be able to comprehend your shine. I am proud and happy you are my sister.

Happy birthday CEO TOBIX and Company.. 
Mrs Benedicta E.....( make I no write this name to spoil the tushness of ur name)Cohen

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your sister, may she increase in wisdom
