Wednesday 12 November 2014


In opique event center where WWP holds, there's a shop where food and drinks are sold, beside it there's a boli (roast plantain) and fish stand and the smoke that comes from the grill isn't a small matter. I used to run from that area till after fellowship because if you stay there for up to a minute, your hair and clothes will stink of the fish being grilled and everyone will know where you've been. Dat tin na set up true! 

Last week I walked into glo office to do a sim swap and the lady who attended to me was so unaffected by what she was doing or who she was talking to, I asked when the sim would work and she said 24hrs, I wasnt sure she said 24 hrs but fear no gree me ask o, because the look on her face read 24 days. I wanted to get defensive and play the 'customer is always right' or 'be friendly because you are customer service rep' card but then I realised that she was probably unhappy about something and didn't think she needed to offer more of herself for anything or anyone. 

So i tried normal conversation, she finally looked at my face for the 1st time in 10 mins, then she gave me a form to sign on, I told her God bless her, she said Amen. Then she told me there was a free SIM card for me, and I said God honour you, then she finally smiled. After a few seconds, she typed a few things on her keyboard then said, your SIM card has been activated and will work as soon as you put it in a device. AHA!!! So she could do that? 
Na the problem wey dey worry her make her wan gimme 24 hrs b4?  I smiled back, and told her God will prosper her for helping me. And men will help her before she asks for help. She smiled so broadly and said a loud AMEN.  

Now the Holy Spirit then said, never to leave anyone the same way I meet them. She had temporarily forgotten whatever was bothering her, maybe a previous customer insulted her,
I don't ever want to meet anyone and let their lives remain the same, I want to leave a piece of myself with everyone. Even if it is a smile I sow, it will give them peace, and a form of hope that there are still sane people I'm the world. I have hung around pastor O for a few minutes, I am beginning to smell like her in some areas of my life.

Like the smoke in opique leaves a smell that I've been close to the food shop, I choose to leave a smell on anyone who comes in contact with me. May I never leave anyone with a bitter taste in their mouth from this day forth. 

Amen someborry! 

1 Corinthians 15:33

In more important news pastor O read my blog *dancing azonto, etighi, alanta, galala, sekem* all at a once. Ko le ye e


  1. When I read this post, I felt guilty about those times i left people worse than I found them. But thank God for Jesus. But I still do sometimes, wink wink. But this is a reminder for me. So Tega I hope I left a smile on your face.....#grinning

    1. Hahahahaha, if you didn't I for no still dey talk to you na. But u worried me that time sha " find the cheapest flight", I nearly run but Jehovah knew what He was up to. He knew you'd be one of my strengths. Receive grace which is freely available. Xoxo

  2. Quite frankly, I am one of those who have a Phd in minding my own business,typical me would've probably left her to simmer in whatever issues she's going through, it makes sense but its unchristianly. Tega, thanks for this post it ministered to me in a very special way(and thats why I'm commenting for the first time).Honestly, I need to learn to push, who knows whose life might be changed.

    1. Awww *dancing* thank you for commenting! it is easy to get carried away with your personal issues and not really care about another person but that's not the Christianity we should practice. E no easy o sis, but grace is so available. Maybe if we all try, there would be less suicide cases. Thank u Hun. God bless and honor you.

  3. The holy spirit just told me.... this blog will go BIG for God and his works! Amen! I love the post Sis Tega... Thank you.

    1. AMEN sis, God bless and honour you. Thank u Hun
