Sunday 30 November 2014


Worship is actually "WORTH" ship. So when I see people too cool for Jesus, too cool to raise their hands, or dance or kneel or prostrate in worship I wonder who gave them life,Who gave them the things they are feeling cool with. I was one of those. In FEDIBEN, as a Gucci girl, you were too cool for your own self. I grew into it until life showed me the meaning of cool.

I went to 2 hospitals last night and one of the people I went to visit gave me a lot of encouragement. She has every reason to be sad and forlorn, asking God major questions, but she had an excitement I don't understand, like God had told her a secret.
Even showing us other people she knew in the hospital we should pray with. 
I am happy I am understanding the worth of God in my life, that's what makes me lie flat in worship to Him no matter how pretty I am looking. 

Ask David, he knew what God had brought him through, that's why he danced without reserve to God but saul's daughter was too cool for Jesus. I bet if God gave her a child after her long wait, she for dance pass atilogu dancers.

Every new day is a new chance to make today better than yesterday. 

When next you don't feel like worshipping, remember the times He brought you through tough situations and the person sitting next to you won't matter. Especially because when next you are in trouble that person won't help you out.

In this our generation I know we all like to look good to church (especially abuja people) but think about it,  is God worth that beautiful dress or is the dress too much for God?

In other news, I no do team natural again o. Back to permed hair, I love you Kiki but I kient deal....

John 4:24


  1. My dear, we were all instructed to take off our shoes this past Sunday servi since alot were "too cool" to get their groove on. Come and see let loose freedom, it wasa time of chaotic praise, like the shoes were holding alot down. My people, my clothes, makeup, shoes is too small to hinder your worship and praise to God. DROP THAT WEIGHT

  2. Lol for your natural hair comments, I gave up too, early this year when it became clear that I would be crying each time I had to comb my hair.
    Question to self, Who send me natural?????? Sharply I texturized

    1. Hahahahaha, I thot it was only me o. I felt like I let some people down.
